Friday, May 6, 2011


Balance is important to our lives. However, often times we find ourselves balancing on one foot and hopping to the next when our leg gets tired. This is dangerous. Sometimes it's a wonder how so many people, Christian people, Ministry leaders, etc. fall flat on their face.

But really, it's an easy answer. We equate what we do to equal our relationship with God. It is important to realize that this is a false calling! God calls us to stand firm in our faith, to stand firm in His love. But how can we stand firm if we are teeter tottering around and acting as though our life is a game of hopscotch?

Let's face reality together. People expect more of us than we ought to give. They expect us to neglect our families, our Sabbath, and our daily mundane lives. I fight these battle almost daily. I fight the battle and fear of appearing lazy. If I'm not busy all the time doesn't that equate that I am lazy? NO! Don't believe the lies like I have for so long. Obey God. He is your superior, His opinion matters. If you want to have a successful ministry center your life around God, your relationship with Him, your ministry to your family, then your job/career, and finally your volunteer work.

Let us hold one another accountable to keeping our Sabbath, listening to our minds and bodies as we know when we are out of balance and follow the path that God has for your life. In a second you can ruin your career, tear apart your family, and screw up your life. Be aware of your strongholds, be aware of your patterns, behaviors, and habits. Be consistent with your relationship with God and he will hold your feet firm on the ground and you will not stumble and you will not fall, and you'll notice the pebble that's trying to trip you up.

Stand firm friends! Evaluate yourselves and hold true to the command, "Remember the Sabbath daily."



Monday, April 25, 2011

Life Update

Hello friends.

It's been way too long since my last post. I'm so sorry! However, it should show that I have just been crazy busy, or as I say, CRA CRA!

If you didn't know, my residency at Mountain Christian Church is coming to a quick end. I'll be moving back to Oklahoma the beginning of July. Surprisingly enough, I'm sad, scared, and anxious about leaving Maryland. I've become pretty comfortable here but I know God has other plans for me. It's weird how you just "know" but I have peace about moving back home. Not sure how long I'll be there but I feel God preparing me for something more than I could ever imagine.

In the mean time, I'm learning to live in the moment and take one step at a time. It's been wonderful relinquishing my fears, hopes, and dreams. It's been a scary process but God's faithfulness proves to be better than any of my wildest dreams.

May you find peace in the One who brings about plans bigger than you. Dream Big, allow God to act intentionally in your life and expect Him to show up in unexpected ways.



Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011, Year of No regrets and moving forward

Hi friends,

It sure has been a while since i've written. I love to write but I have been in a funk so I stopped. Well, All is well and I'm back! Sometimes life gets hard. My heart has been bitter for a few months and I've had a rough time being refined by God. I've been living in fear and sorrow instead of seizing the day. Things are changing. I'm choosing to live for the day. I'm choosing to remain faithful to God. I'm choosing to live my life with no regrets. I'm choosing to live honestly. I'm choosing to move forward. I'm choosing to leap.

So often we live our lives in fear of what others think, in fear of the unknown, in fear of love, in fear of rejection, in fear of vulnerability, in fear of life. I am choosing to let go of these. I'm finished living in fear. I'm choosing to live.

2010 was a hard year for me. It holds so many wonderful memories but it also holds the most difficult transition I've ever gone through. Graduating college never seemed like a difficult and emotional step in my life but it sure has been. It's been such a weird transition but I'm moving forward. I'm getting excited about what God has in store for me. Sometimes I jump the gun because I feel ready and I'm tired of trudging through the mud to get to the other side. But life is all about going through one door, meeting people on the other side and choosing to stay, keep moving on, or slamming the door and not stepping through at all.

I have no idea what God has in store for me during 2011. "No regrets" will be my motto and through it all I will continue to move forward with my life, faith, relationships, and I will choose to live for "today."

How's that for a Resolution?

Living fully,

