Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week 1: PDO

Hi Friends! I am greeting you from Indianapolis Indiana! PDO (Pre Departure Orientation) is going really well. My team, Amanda, Katie, and I are doing really well. We've bonded and I know that it's going to be a really great experience. We have connected well and Papa has really blessed me with an amazingly strong team. We leave tuesday super super early for our flight and will arrive in Beijing thursday. It's about 16 hours of travel time from Indianapolis to Newark to Beijing. All of us are very excited because none of us have been to main land China. I can't wait to write you and tell you about what I see and the village that i live in. I know that I am going to be challenged and that Papa is going to change my heart and work and use me to become better and more like him. Know that I am thinking of you daily. I am thankful for you and your support. Please remember that this is a creative access area and that you must be careful when you talk to me. Be aware of this. Thank you all so much!


